If you suffer from clenching or grinding, also known as bruxism, you may be tempted to choose a soft nightguard due to its comfort. However, research shows that soft nightguards can make clenching and grinding worse.
Multiple studies have found that soft nightguards can increase jaw muscle activity during sleep. A study in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry found that soft nightguards lead to more muscle activity compared to hard nightguards, potentially worsening bruxism episodes . Similarly, a study published in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation observed that soft nightguards can act like a “chew toy,” causing more clenching .
In another study from the Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache, patients with soft nightguards experienced more frequent bruxism episodes than those with hard nightguards .
All the journal studies agree that a hard nightguard provide a stable surface that reduces muscle activity, protecting your teeth and jaws more effectively. They also last longer and offer better protection against damage from grinding.
While soft nightguards might seem comfortable, they can increase clenching and grinding. They can lead to marathon of nighttime jaw activity. Hard nightguards are a more effective choice for protecting your teeth and managing bruxism. Contact us at Southernmost Smiles to learn more about custom-fitted hard nightguards